WooCommerce Deposits Partial Payments v4.0.21


Download plugin WooCommerce Deposits Partial Payments, buat sistem deposit saldo ke akun pelanggan di toko online.

  • Full Version
  • GPL v2 100% legal
  • Termurah
  • Clean file, virus free!
  • Pakai di unlimited domains
  • Termurah

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WooCommerce Deposits is a premium WordPress and WooCommerce plugin for handling partial payments. Customers pay a fixed price or percentage up front. You can also force a deposit.

Compatible with the WooCommerce Bookings And Appointments plugin by PluginHive , allowing you to collect deposits on bookings.

Compatible with the WooCommerce Bookings by Woothemes plugin, allowing you to collect deposits on bookings as well as other products.


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