UpdraftPlus v2.16.62.25


Download UpdraftPlus Premium, plugin WP untuk backup, restore, dan clone blog WordPress.

  • Full Version
  • GPL v2 100% legal
  • Termurah
  • Clean file, virus free!
  • Pakai di unlimited domains
  • Termurah

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Performs complete manual or scheduled backups of all your WordPress files, databases, plugins and themes.


Restores backups directly from your WordPress control panel.

Cloning and migration

Migrator clones your WordPress site and moves it to a new domain or host directly and simply. Or use UpdraftClone to clone a temporary site to our servers in a matter of seconds.

Incremental backups

Allows you to only backup changes to your files (such as a new image) that have been made to your site since the last backup.

Fast, personal support

Provides expert help and support from the developers whenever you need it.

Backup non-WordPress files and databases

Backup the WP core and non-WP files and databases.


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