Gravity Perks: Unique ID v1.4.4


Download addon Gravity Forms dari Gravity Perk: Unique ID. Plugin ini berfungsi untuk men-generate ID random.

  • Full Version
  • GPL v2 100% legal
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  • Clean file, virus free!
  • Pakai di unlimited domains
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Generate alphanumeric, numeric or sequential “Unique ID” values for the entry when submitted. Applications are endless!

This plugin provides a new Unique ID field type which generates a unique ID for the entry when submitted. Some common uses for this perk are:

  • Provide a set-length confirmation or reference number for each entry; could be displayed on the confirmation page and in notifications (i.e. “Your confirmation number is ABC142Z3”).
  • Maintain a sequential invoice number (a legal requirement for some countries)
  • Generate a unique coupon code that can be used on subsequent form submissions (tutorial coming soon!)
  • Generate a unique number for use in raffles


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